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Medical Team


2023-2024 WSSMA Board of Directors

Group Photo Coming Soon

President: Francie Mooney, CMA (AAMA)

Vice President: Sandra Erlewine, CMA (AAMA), CPC

Secretary: Virginia Landis, CMA (AAMA)

Treasurer: Doreen Hoch, CMA (AAMA)

Parliamentarian: Nancy Marshall-Young, CMA (AAMA)

Immediate Past President: Brandy Rohaly, CMA (AAMA)

Speaker of the House: Open

Vice Speaker: Open

Trustees 2024-2025

Sue Rodenberger, CMA (AAMA)

Diane Goracke, CMA (AAMA), CMT-R c.

Trustees 2024-2026

Penny Aparicio, CMA (AAMA)

Mary Alice Lewis, CMA (AAMA)

Alison Vinson, CMA (AAMA

Executive Trustees

Gayle Kinney, CMA (AAMA)

Diane Goracke, CMA (AAMA), CMT-R

Members At Large Rep

Elise Miller, CMA (AAMA)


Brandy Rohaly, CMA (AAMA),

Immediate Past President, 1 yr. term

Elise Miller, CMA (AAMA), 2 yr. term


Nominating Committee 2024-2025

Chair: Penny Aparicio, CMA (AAMA)

Brandy Rohaly, CMA (AAMA) Immediate Past President

Delegates to Nationals 2025

Francie Mooney, CMA (AAMA)

Sandy Erlewine, CMA (AAMA) CPT

Doreen Hoch, CMA (AAMA)

Lorrie Jones, CMA (AAMA)

Gayle Kinney, CMA(AAMA)

Amanda Lee, CMA (AAMA)

Committee Information

Social Media Committee

This committee is in charge of all social media for WSSMA including Facebook, Instagram and any other platform the organization uses.


The Audit Committee is responsible for an annual audit of the WSSMA account, including the Annual Convention account, and to give quarterly reports of audit findings, etc.
This committee also is instrumental in designing expense vouchers, expense guidelines and travel reimbursement guidelines.

Awards (Professional Achievement / Member of the Year)

The Professional Achievement Award was developed to recognize members for their professional growth, dedicated leadership, and commitment to maintaining professional competence. Most WSSMA members are likely a candidate for this award. Be proud of what you have accomplished with your career!! All members are encouraged to review the guidelines and keep a record. You would be surprised at how many things you have already done and how fast the others add up.

The WSSMA Member of the Year Award is a peer nomination award where your coworkers or fellow members of your chapter or state society honor you by nominating a person for this award. Awards are presented at the WSSMA Annual Conference President’s Luncheon. 

Budget and Finance

The Budget and Finance Committee is responsible for creating a workable budget for the year and submitting it to the HOD at the annual meeting during WSSMA Conference each May.

Bylaws and Standing Rules

The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee is chaired by the WSSMA Vice President. The Vice President must carefully study the Bylaws and Standing Rules of WSSMA and assure that the WSSMA Bylaws are not in conflict with AAMA Bylaws.

Certification and Recertification

This committee is responsible for acknowledging new Certified Medical Assistants who have recently passed the AAMA Certification Exam, and for recognizing those Certified Medical Assistants that have maintained their certification credentials by completing the continuing education participation requirements.

We are here to assist all medical assistants by providing information about how to qualify and apply for the certification exam, how to find assistance in preparing for the examination process, and how to maintain the CMA credential by Continuing Education.

Chapter Extension Committee

Shall actively investigate possible interest in forming new chapters; follow up with meetings and information if an interest is shown by medical assistants in the area. This committee is also available to help established chapters with membership and counsel them for success.

Doris Stansell Memorial

The Doris Stansell Leadership Memorial Fund was established in August 1997. The purpose of this fund is to assist WSSMA members to participate in leadership opportunities. The fund has grown over the years by donations to a very workable amount. The fund is able to subsidize a large percentage of the registration fee for the WSSMA Leadership Retreat. The guidelines for the Doris Stansell Memorial Leadership Fund , which were adopted in August 2002, state that the proceeds of this fund will be used to reduce and hopefully eliminate the registration fee for chapter officers, state officers, committee chairs, and interested members of WSSMA to attend the Leadership Retreat. The Doris Stansell Memorial Leadership Fund Committee reviews and acts upon disbursements from the fund for the benefit of the Leadership Retreat in attempt to make it affordable for members of WSSMA.

Guidelines Revisions Committee

Shall review the current Guidelines checking for compliance with WSSMA Bylaws and Standing Rules and recommend updates.

Leadership Conference

Every March WSSMA holds a Leadership Conference weekend dedicated to enhancing the leadership skills of our members. All officers and committee chairs are expected to attend, but all other members are very encouraged to attend also. This is an opportunity to learn how to manage your chapter, serve as an officer or committee chair, and how to become involved with the WSSMA state level organization.


The WSSMA Legislative Committee is given the task of serving as a “watchdog” over any legislative activity that affects the medical assistant in Washington state. We watch for any changes in the current laws in Washington state, new rules or laws that might increase or limit our scope of practice and the practice of our physician delegators, or any limitations or additional responsibilities being placed on practicing CMA (AAMA)’s in Washington state. This committee welcomes email or calls from any Washington state CMA (AAMA) who might have a question, concern, comment, suggestion, etc. about his/her scope of practice and the interpretation of the Medical Assisting Scope of Practice and relevant laws.

Long Range Planning

The Long Range Planning Committee shall submit recommendations to the House of Delegates and Board of Trustees to establish goals and guidelines for implementation for the future development of WSSMA. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President as Chair, a WSSMA Past President, an Adviser, a member of the Board of Trustees and at least two (2) other members of WSSMA.


The WSSMA Membership Committee can answer any questions you may have regarding qualifications and application for membership into the AAMA.

The Membership Committee is here to help you find your local chapter, the nearest Continuing Education session and keep you informed on the requirements for being an active and current member of your professional organization. This committee also helps to promote the profession of medical assisting. To find your local chapter and meet other members of the AAMA/WSSMA, print a WSSMA Membership Brochure for more information!

Membership Roster

This committee updates information on a quarterly basis current with national membership list. If you move, change phone numbers or email addresses, not only should you notify the AAMA National Membership Dept. but also notify the WSSMA membership committee so we can stay current at the state level. This helps the state and your local chapter to keep you informed of information important to us all.

Nancy Fortin Scholarship

The Nancy Fortin Memorial Scholarship was first established in the 1970’s and named in honor of the founder of the Washington State Society of Medical Assistants. Over the years, it evolved from a loan fund for selected students to a scholarship award for deserving students enrolled in AAMA CAAHEP accredited medical assisting programs in Washington State.

The fund is supported by contributions from members and a portion of the proceeds of the Washington State Society Annual Meeting. Presently the award is for $500 per scholarship. Applications can be found on the FORMS page.

Scholarship awards are announced in the spring and/or fall after the evaluation of all applications received and contingent upon available funds. Scholarship Application deadlines are February 20 and October 31.


The Nominating Committee consists of three elected members and the immediate past president and no two members of this committee can be from the same chapter. This committee works to solicit and credential all nominees for WSSMA Officer positions prior to the Annual WSSMA House of Delegates. Nomination forms are available in the Member’s Section.

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